Tours are available to view inside the palace including the kitchen, servants working area, King and Queen's sleeping room.
Address: Corner of South
King and Richards
Bus: 55 stops corner of Bishop and King (2 blocks away)
Phone: 522-0832
Hours: Open all day Sun & Mon, Tues-Sat 9-2pm
Price: $20, $15 Kamaina rate, $5 downstairs (kitchen) only, $5 children
up to age 12, No children under 5
Tours available to view government offices, Senate chambers etc. Tour includes a nine minute video
Address: Corner of Beretania
and Richards
Bus: 55 stops corner Bishop and King (2 blocks away)
Phone: 586-0146
Hours: Mon-Fri until 2pm (best to make an apointment, morning usually busy
with school groups)
Price: Free
King Kamehameha IV, Queen Emma and their son Prince Albert would retreat here. Built 1848, now National Register of Historic Places. Tours available, approx. 35 min. Examples of Hawaiian antique quilts on display at gift shop.
Address: 2913 Pali Hwy
Bus: 55 takes you there
Phone: 595-3167
Hours: 9-4pm (come by 3pm)
Price: $5 adults, $4 Kama'aina, $1 children